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Riding the Red Rocket

Commander Howser at the lighthouse in Venture Bay wants you to destroy the Horde lumber shipment.

Commander Howser will only be present at the lighthouse when the Alliance has it in their possession.
Horde Lumberboat destroyed


Listen, <nombre>. This battle is as much over resources as tactical supremacy.

I have a mission that could turn the tide in our struggle against the Horde here.

There are torpedoes at the end of the dock that we can use to take down the Horde's lumber ship to the northwest.

You'll need to get some of the fuel that's stored on the docked goblin ship just north of here, then ride one of the torpedoes into their transport!




Recibirás: 5 60  (o 9 96 si se completa al nivel 80)
Venture Coin


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 20.750 experiencia

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