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Smoke 'Em Out

Use the Smoke Bomb to drive 20 Venture Company Stragglers from their buildings and then report to Stone Guard Ragetotem.
Venture Company Stragglers smoked out (20)
Objeto provisto:
Smoke Bomb


Not only is this port infested with sniveling Alliance cowards, but to make matters worse, there are still Venture Company employees holed up in some of the buildings. They're not worth the time it takes to kill and I can't spare the warriors anyway.

Maybe we can "convince" them to make for their ship. Take this smoke bomb and use it to smoke out the stragglers from their places in the bunkhouse, sawmill, or stables. Don't get too close, though; there's no telling what diseases they're carrying.




Recibirás: 5 60  (o 9 96 si se completa al nivel 80)
Venture Coin


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 20.750 experiencia
Esta misión será convertido a Smoke 'Em Out si lo transfieres a la Alianza.

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