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Keep Them at Bay

Defeat 10 Alliance units or players in Venture Bay and return to Centurion Kaggrum.


Alliance killed in Venture Bay (10)


This wretched Westfall Brigade is proving a tougher opponent than we'd thought. Though few in number, they fight well and bravely, but we cannot afford to wait them out.

Conqueror Krenna's orders were to capture the port quickly. You must break the stalemate, <nombre>. Find the enemy's marines and slaughter them until the resistance ceases. Only then will we be able to claim ownership of the port.

Go quickly. We don't want to keep Conqueror Krenna waiting.




Recibirás: 5 60  (o 9 96 si se completa al nivel 80)
Venture Coin


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 20.750 experiencia

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