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Incense for the Summer Scorchlings

The Festival Loremaster wants you to take Summer Incense to a Summer Scorchling outside any Alliance settlement.


Summer Incense (Provisto)
Miga de celadora de las llamas (Provisto)


Did you know that our festival fires burn in every land with an Alliance settlement? Flame Wardens tend to them in camps outside of each town, ensuring the bonfires are bright and the celebrations continue.

With each Flame Warden is a summer scorchling -- an emissary to the elemental spirits of fire.

Would you like to honor a scorchling, <nombre>? Take this summer incense and bring it to any summer scorchling. Appease the little fire spirit, and it may reward you.




Te van a lanzar el siguiente hechizo:
Dar incienso a agostizo de verano
Recibirás: 10 80 si se completa al nivel 80
Burning Blossom


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 1 experiencia

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