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Defeat the Gearmaster

Research the Gearmaster's Manual and return Mechazod's Head to Greatmother Taiga at Taunka'le Village.
Mechazod's Head
The Gearmaster's Manual researched


Clearly this Gearmaster Mechazod creature is not in his right mind. If his offer of a cure and immortality means all of us becoming robotic slaves then he must be stopped!

The winds that guide me whisper that he's atop the pumping station out in the middle of the pools to the west.

Most likely, he'll be found in the command hut on top of the structure. Go inside and research his works.

<nom>, you must confront Mechazod if we are to survive!




Vous pourrez choisir une de ces récompenses :
Taut Driftwood Bow Earthborn Greaves
Stave of the Windborn Stave of the Spiritcaller
Fireborn Warhammer
Vous recevrez également : 10


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 25 400 points d'expérience
  • 350 points de réputation avec Les Taunkas

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