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The Battle Must Go On

Harbinger Inuuro wants you to slay 6 Burning Legion Demons and the Emissary of Hate in Dawning Square. Use the Shattered Sun Banner to impale the Emissary of Hate's corpse.
Shattered Sun Banner (Provisto)
Emissary of Hate impaled


Demonio de la Legión Ardiente matado (6)


We must continue to defeat and demoralize the armies of the Legion.

The emissaries of hate are Legion shocktroopers deployed to reinforce tactical Legion positions. The enemy rallies around them for they fear them more than they fear us.

Today we will change that. Take this banner and slay the demons of the Legion. When you meet the emissary, slay and impale him.




Recibirás: 4 40


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:

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