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The Air Strikes Must Continue

Battlemage Arynna wants you to speak to Ayren Cloudbreaker when you're ready to fly over the Dead Scar. Once there, use the Arcane Charges to kill 2 Pit Overlords, 3 Eredar Sorcerers and 12 Wrath Enforcers.
Arcane Charges (Fourni)
Suzerain des abîmes tué (2)
Ensorceleur érédar tué (3)
Massacreur de courroux tué (12)


We've taken the armory from the enemy thanks to our aerial attacks against the Legion's forces in the Dead Scar.

As a matter of fact, it's gone so well that we're going to continue our air strikes against them. Take these arcane charges and use them against their forces.

Talk to Ayren Cloudbreaker at the Sun's Reach Harbor when you're ready for flight.




Vous recevrez : 3 40


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