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The Slumbering King

Defeat Queen Angerboda and stop the ritual to awaken King Ymiron. Should you manage to do so, return to Camp Winterhoof and report your success to Chieftain Ashtotem.
Reine Angrboda tué
Objet fourni :
Mezhen's Writings


A sheaf of parchment drops from the still hand of the overlord. Upon it you can discern the outline of the rituals that are taking place in the catacombs below.

However, it appears that the queen of the vrykul, Angerboda, is having difficulty awakening King Ymiron. The ritual is taking place within the large chamber, known as the Winter's Terrace, on the north end of Gjalerbron.

If you hurry, you may be able to stop her before it is too late.




Vous recevrez : 10


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 25 400 points d'expérience
  • 350 points de réputation avec Les Taunkas

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