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[Temporarily Deprecated Awaiting a New Mob]Finlay Is Gutless

Collect 7 Pristine Mistsaber Catgut for Finlay Fletcher and return to him at Westguard Keep.
Pristine Mistsaber Catgut (7)


All these crossbowmen, and who is it that has to maintain all of their weapons? Me, Finlay Fletcher!

The commander commandeered my assistant to get ready for the move up to Fort Wildervaar, and I haven't the time to go out and get all of the catgut that I need for their strings!

<класс>, be a good <lad /lass> and gather me up some catgut. The mistsabers prowling about the fjord will do, but mind that you only bring back the most pristine of intestines from them! Severed gut won't do us any good.


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