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Direhorn Raiders

Kill 12 Direhorn Grimtotems and return to Apprentice Morlann at Tabetha's Farm.


Direhorn Grimtotems killed (12)


The Grimtotems up at Direhorn Post, just to the north, are getting bolder by the day. At night, you can often hear them chanting about their deeds in battle against people who've tried to settle here.

They're determined to drive us from Tabetha's farm even though she's trained generations of apprentices here. We've defended the farm as best we can, but Apprentice Garion was wounded in the last attack.

Go to Direhorn Post and kill any Grimtotem you can find! The attacks must stop.




Vous pourrez choisir une de ces récompenses :
Morlann's Seal Destroyer's Cloak
Grimtotem Earthbinder's Tunic
Vous recevrez également : 45


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 4 140 points d'expérience

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