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Inspecting the Ruins

Speak to Inspector Tarem at the Shady Rest Inn.


If you follow the road south from the village, and then west toward the Barrens, you'll come across the ruins of the Shady Rest Inn.

Theramore has sent an investigator to discover how the inn met its fate. Normally, I'd advise you to steer clear, but we have orders from Orgrimmar to 'assist' in the investigation.

Accept any help the Theramore investigator offers, even feed him a tidbit or two of information if you'd like, but save your real findings for me.



Vous allez être la cible du sort suivant :
Poussière réfléchissante
Vous recevrez : 2 10 si completé au niveau 80


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 330 points d'expérience
Cette quête sera converti en Inspecting the Ruins si vous transférez en Alliance.

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