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The Fall of Magtheridon

Return Magtheridon's Head to Force Commander Danath Trollbane at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula.
Magtheridon's Head (Provisto)


The source of Illidan Stormrage's fel orc army has been vanquished. The manufactory halts production of its grim product - at least for now. All that remains are a few trinkets and this severed head - a fitting trophy for a hero of the Alliance.

Return Magtheridon's head to Danath Trollbane at Honor Hold.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Naaru Lightwarden's Band Ring of the Recalcitrant
A'dal's Signet of Defense Band of Crimson Fury
También recibirás: 13 20


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
Esta misión será convertido a The Fall of Magtheridon si lo transfieres a la Horda.

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