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Arakkoa War Path

Advisor Faila asks that you kill 14 Shienor Talonites and 6 Shienor Sorcerers and then return to her in Stonebreaker Hold.
Garroso Shienor matado (14)
Hechicero Shienor matado (6)


The arakkoa have attacked us again, this time striking in the night and then using their dark magic to escape before we could charge out to meet them in numbers. They use their summoning circles to rescue their warriors from certain death but they cannot run from us if we attack their homes. Veil Reskk and Veil Shienor lie to the north and northeast.

Find these arakkoa nests and kill as many as you can.




Recibirás: 2 70


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 10.050 experiencia
Esta misión será convertido a Thin the Flock si lo transfieres a la Alianza.

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