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Becoming a Shadoweave Tailor

Use the Crystal of Deep Shadows near the Altar of Shadows to deepen your attunement to the altar, then return to Andrion Darkspinner in Shattrath's Lower City.

*WARNING!* You can only select one tailoring specialization.
Deepen Altar of Shadows Attunement
Objet fourni :
Crystal of Deep Shadows


If you become a shadoweave specialist, you will make twice as much shadowcloth as an average tailor and have access to several exclusive patterns.

Of course, any tailor can use the Altar of Shadows, but a shadoweave tailor possesses a deeper attunement to the altar, unlocking powers that few can fathom.

Take this crystal to eastern Shadowmoon Valley, and find Netherwing Pass leading south from the Netherwing Fields. Near the world's edge, you will find the Altar of Shadows. Use the crystal there.




Vous apprendrez :
Couture de tisse-ombre
Vous recevrez : 57 si completé au niveau 80


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 9 500 points d'expérience
  • 150 points de réputation avec Ville basse

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