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Crush the Bloodmaul Camp!

Slay 10 Bloodmaul Maulers and 5 Bloodmaul Warlocks.
Aplastador Machacasangre matado (10)
Brujo Machacasangre matado (5)


I've heard that you've done us more than proud in the fight against the ogres thus far. Now, I would ask that you face them again. I want you to crush the ogres at Bloodmaul Camp!

To get down there, head northwest down the ramp out of the Ruuan Weald. You'll find them at the base of the ramp.

Good luck, <clase>!




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Darktread Boots Twin Moon Shoulderguards
Chaintwine Cinch Fairweather's Wristguards
También recibirás: 3 70


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 11.650 experiencia

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