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Eralan in Tranquillien wants you to retrieve the Archeologist's Shrunken Head from one of the chests in Zeb'Tela or Zeb'Nowa.
Schrumpfkopf des Archäologen


Remember how I told you about the fat merchant who was looking for that ring? As it turns out,he had his archeologist son looking for the thing and it didn't turn out so well. By not so well I mean they killed him and shrunk his head.

Now this might seem cold,calculating,and exceptionally callous,but he'd pay a lot to get his son's head back. Sounds like the perfect job for you!

Go east until you find the troll ruins of Zeb'Tela and Zeb'Nowa. You're bound to find it one of the chests there.


Auf Euch wartet eine dieser Belohnungen:
Laubklingendolch Geisterklauentunika
Ihr bekommt außerdem: 81 , wenn auf Stufe 80 vollendet


Bei Abschluss dieser Quest erhaltet Ihr:
  • 1.350 Erfahrung

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