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New Opportunities

Gather 15 Ivory Bells and return to Mehrdad at Midrealm Post.
Ivory Bell (15)


I hear that a group of 'druids' from Azeroth has taken quite an interest in the effects of our eco-dome technology.

The Cenarion Expedition's representatives are eager to get access to the plants growing within the domes, particularly one called the ivory bell, known for its healing properties. They're found in clumps of brush around larger plants in Eco-Dome Midrealm.

I'll share the profits with you if you're willing to gather the herbs for my first delivery.




Vous recevrez : 4 10  (ou 7 38 si completé au niveau 80)


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
  • 12 300 points d'expérience
  • 250 points de réputation avec Le Consortium

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