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It's a Fel Reaver, But with Heart

Recover the Heart of the Fel Reaver and deliver it to N. D. Meancamp at The Heap in the Netherstorm.
Heart of the Fel Reaver
Fel Zapper (Provisto)


Jugadores sugeridos: 3


You see that scrapped fel reaver over there to the south? Isn't it a thing of beauty?

I want its heart!

What? Yes, of course it has a heart... what doesn't?

<N. D. looks indignant for a moment.>

Go on over there, pry it open, bring back what I want and I'll give you a nice finder's fee in return.

Oh, and I'd take a friend or two along if I were you. These Zaxxis ethereals are a pretty mean bunch!

Take this fel zapper to jumpstart its heart when you're ready to begin.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Heap Leggings Warp-Raider's Eyepatch
Scavenged Breastplate
También recibirás: 3 90


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 12.000 experiencia

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