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Safety Is Job One

Artificer Morphalius wants you to kill 10 Ethereal Crypt Raiders, 5 Ethereal Sorcerers, 5 Nexus Stalkers and 5 Ethereal Spellbinders.

Once that's done, find the Ethereal Transporter in the chamber before Shaffar's and activate it.
Asaltante de tumbas etéreo matado (10)
Acechador de El Nexo matado (5)
Bruja etérea matado (5)
Vinculahechizos etéreo matado (5)


Shaffar's ethereals have completely blocked us out of the Mana-Tombs. Thankfully, I've got a plan. While we can't go in through the front door, there are sure to be several transporters inside.

I want you to clear the way for my crew first and then I want you to activate one of their transporters to teleport us inside.

Activate the teleporter in the chamber right before Shaffar's chambers when the way has been cleared. Don't worry, I'll make it worth your while...




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