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Losing Gracefully

Magister Falris in Shattrath wants you to take the Vial of Sedative Serum to the Terrace of Light and pour it into Haronem's Regiment Cooking Pot.
Vial of Sedative Serum (Fourni)


The Aldor have gained the favor of the Sha'tar today. As if that should come as any sort of surprise!

Watch them showing off their fancy footwork a few feet away from A'dal. Could they possibly put any more effort into sucking up to the naaru?

Harbinger Haronem's marksman regiment is so dedicated, it even brings its own cooking pot to avoid taking long breaks for lunch. This cannot go without retribution, <nom>.

I want you to pour this vial into their meal. The results should be... comical.




Vous recevrez : 33 si completé au niveau 80


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