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Mission: Sever the Tie UNUSED

Forward Commander Kingston at Expedition Point in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to kill 4 Fel Handlers, 8 Wrathguards, and Subjugator Yalqiz.
Subyugadora Yalqiz matado
Cuidador vil matado (4)
Guardia de cólera matado (8)


It would be a dereliction of duty if I did not order you to take out the demons that inhabit the Legion Front, just north of this base.

Both sides of the front are set up in the same manner: Fel handlers roam between Legion encampments, which are in turn guarded by wrathguards. A shivan subjugator oversees the entire operation. Kill 'em all and let Kazzak sort 'em out.

And watch out for patrolling fel reavers. I know you're tough but those things will make short work of you.


Recibirás: 60 si se completa al nivel 80


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
Esta misión será convertido a Mission: Sever the Tie si lo transfieres a la Horda.

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