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Terokk's Legacy

Bring Terokk's Mask, Terokk's Quill, and the Saga of Terokk to Isfar outside the Sethekk Halls.
The Saga of Terokk
Terokk's Mask
Terokk's Quill
Objeto provisto:
The Relics of Terokk


My people honor an ancient hero named Terokk. Arakkoa hatchlings are regaled with stories of his deeds and descriptions of his beautiful plumage.

He dwelt among my people for hundreds of years, but mysteriously vanished one day, leaving only his mask, spear, and writings behind.

The relics are cherished by the arakkoa, but they were heartbroken when the Sethekk bore the objects away from Skettis at their departure.

I have written down what little I know about their location within the halls.




Podrás elegir una de estas recompensas:
Terokk's Quill The Saga of Terokk
Terokk's Mask
También recibirás: 8 20


Cuando completes esta misión ganarás:
  • 24.600 experiencia

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