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Gloire à l'écumeur de raids de la Couronne de glace (25 joueurs)

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Reins of the Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher

Vous recevrez cette lettre-4603 de Généralissime Darion Mograine

Glory of the Icecrown Raider

As the Lich King's influence wanes, some of his more powerful minions have wrested free of his grasp.

This frost wyrm drake my men captured is a prime example. She has a will of her own and then some.

One of my men lost an arm breaking her in, but she now takes to riders fairly well -- provided they themselves are skilled and strong willed.

Please accept this magnificent beast as a gift from the Knights of the Ebon Blade. It was an honor to fight along your side in this greatest of battles.

With honor,
Darion Mograine.

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